Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Sticky Note Help


1. Click on the New Note button to add a new sticky note.
2. Click on the x icon on top of any sticky note to remove the note.
3. Click on the note to write anything on the note.

1 comment:

  1. I want a simple Word AddIn created with the following features:
    1. Word in Outline mode even if it was saved in a partially expanded mode, always opens in fully expanded mode. I would like it to open it in the same state it was when last saved
    2. Search in Outline mode, does not find items that are in collapsed mode. I would like it to highlight its closest parent that is displayed

    With these functionalities, I can use Word as my knowledge base ie store all my information in one place, collapsed most of the time so mind does not wander off staring at unrelated things, but also be able to find it when needed.

    Is this something you would be interested in doing? Please let me know.



    Please replace tripple at dot and com with single to get my address
